The calendar for April arguments in the US Supreme Court is available here. There are no state criminal cases or state-prisoner habeas cases on the docket. Should we be grateful for "salutary neglect"?
On Tuesday, April 17, the Court hears argument on the retroactivity of the rollback of the crack v. powder cocaine sentencing ratio. There are a number of prior posts on this blog on the subject, including
Obama Signs Reagan Version of Crack Sentencing
The Crack Ratio
Crack Retroactivity and Plata
Crack Sentencing
The big case in terms of press coverage will be the Arizona immigration case on Wednesday, April 25.
On Tuesday, April 17, the Court hears argument on the retroactivity of the rollback of the crack v. powder cocaine sentencing ratio. There are a number of prior posts on this blog on the subject, including
Obama Signs Reagan Version of Crack Sentencing
The Crack Ratio
Crack Retroactivity and Plata
Crack Sentencing
The big case in terms of press coverage will be the Arizona immigration case on Wednesday, April 25.
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