As CA Crime Rises, Realignment Debate Continues: Paige St. John of the Los Angeles Times reports California's significant crime increases may be linked to Governor Jerry Brown's AB 109, Public Safety Realignment. CJLF's analysis of FBI data for January to June 2012 shows crime spiked in the state after Realignment's implementation; homicides alone increased 7.6 percent statewide. Grand theft auto and burglary increased in the double digits. Despite the undoubted increase in both violent and property crimes across the state, the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice continues to deny any connection. The CJCJ does agree that 40 of the 69 cities in the state saw spikes in both violent and property crime. However, CJCJ senior researcher Mike Males says the non, non, nons of Realignment do not pose a public safety risk. Major crimes committed by non, non, nons are documented on the realignment section of the CJLF website.
CO Bill Would Set Pot DUI Limit: CBS Denver reports that Colorado Rep. Mark Waller (R) will introduce a bill to establish a limit for driving under the influence of marijuana. According to data, in 2011, 13 percent of fatal vehicular accidents involved drives who were under the influence of the drug. The bill will set the limit at five nanograms of THC, the psychoactive element of cannabis. Testing to establish a driver's limit will be conducted by blood test; there is no way to establish THC levels via a breathalyzer. Colorado's Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 64, became law in November 2012. The executive order signed by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper legalizing marijuana can be found here.
KS Murderer Pleads Guilty to Avoid Death Sentence: Glenn E. Rice of the Kansas City Star reports hatchet killer Quintin P. O'Dell pleaded guilty in Kansas Thursday, avoiding a jury trial and the possibility of a death sentence. On June 1, 2011, O'Dell murdered his coworker, 22, on her day off while she was out fishing. He hit her in the back of the head with a hatchet he had found along the bank, knocking her to the ground. As she lay face up, he continued to repeatedly strike her in the head until she was dead. He then dragged her into the river. On December 26, 2011, O'Dell sexually assaulted and nonfatally disemboweled a 21-year-old woman. He was sentenced to life without parole for the murder, and life for the assault.
CO Bill Would Set Pot DUI Limit: CBS Denver reports that Colorado Rep. Mark Waller (R) will introduce a bill to establish a limit for driving under the influence of marijuana. According to data, in 2011, 13 percent of fatal vehicular accidents involved drives who were under the influence of the drug. The bill will set the limit at five nanograms of THC, the psychoactive element of cannabis. Testing to establish a driver's limit will be conducted by blood test; there is no way to establish THC levels via a breathalyzer. Colorado's Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 64, became law in November 2012. The executive order signed by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper legalizing marijuana can be found here.
KS Murderer Pleads Guilty to Avoid Death Sentence: Glenn E. Rice of the Kansas City Star reports hatchet killer Quintin P. O'Dell pleaded guilty in Kansas Thursday, avoiding a jury trial and the possibility of a death sentence. On June 1, 2011, O'Dell murdered his coworker, 22, on her day off while she was out fishing. He hit her in the back of the head with a hatchet he had found along the bank, knocking her to the ground. As she lay face up, he continued to repeatedly strike her in the head until she was dead. He then dragged her into the river. On December 26, 2011, O'Dell sexually assaulted and nonfatally disemboweled a 21-year-old woman. He was sentenced to life without parole for the murder, and life for the assault.
KS Murderer Pleads Guilty to Avoid Death Sentence:
"O'Dell murdered his coworker, 22...He hit her in the back of the head with a hatchet... As she lay face up, he continued to repeatedly strike her
in the head until she was dead"
"6/1/11, O'Dell sexually assaulted and nonfatally disemboweled a 21-year-old woman."
I expect no plenary satisfaction in this post-modern nation, but to what depth of evil does one have to reach to gain a sentence of exectution?
Do we Americans think that we can deliberately suffer murderers and rapists to live on without consequences?
"Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?...
For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence."