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Mad Rush

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee announced Friday that confirmation hearings on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court will commence September 4.  Minority Leader Charles Schumer denounced the scheduled date as a "mad rush."  Bryan Tau and Brett Kendall have this story in the WSJ.

The following table gives the number of days from nomination to the commencement of hearings for the last four Justices nominated by Democratic Party Presidents and the scheduled date for Judge Kavanaugh:

Nominee Nominated Hearing BeginsDays
Ruth Ginsburg 22-Jun-1993 20-Jul-1993 28
Stephen Breyer 17-May-1994 12-Jul-1994 56
Sonia Sotomayor 01-Jun-2009 13-Jul-2009 42
Elena Kagan 10-May-2010 28-Jun-2010 49

Average 43.75
Brett Kavanaugh 10-Jul-2018 04-Sep-2018 56

A similar calculation for the total time from nomination to confirmation shows that if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed in a "mad rush" equal to the average for the above four nominees, he will be on the Court by September 17, in time to participate in the "Long Conference" and the opening of the new term.

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