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News Scan


CSI TV shows are not reality. We all knew that, of course. This article by Nicholas Costrini, M.D., in the Savannah Morning News describes some of the departures from reality in a readable way. Could we hand this out in the jury waiting room?

Duke Lacrosse Players Sue: Former District Attorney Mike Nifong and the City of Durham are the targets of a lawsuit filed by the three Duke University Lacrosse players falsely accused of raping an exotic dancer last year. The Associated Press story by Aaron Beard reports that the city has pledged to defend itself and its employees, but not Nifong.

Homeless Crackdown: With a plan that looks remarkably like former Mayor Frank Jordan's Matrix Program from the early 1990s, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom plans to reduce littering, vagrancy and other public order offenses as reported in this AP story. Like Matrix, police and social workers will be patrolling the city for derelicts and removing them to service providers. Those who don't cooperate can be cited and jailed. The Matrix Program, and a similar effort in New York, reduced crime and made both cities more hospitable to local residents and tourists.

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