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News Scan


Virginia Spam: The Virginia Supreme Court reheard the First Amendment issues in the case of prolific spammer Jeremy Jaynes, reports Larry O'Dell for AP. Prior opinion here; rehearing order here.

Guantanamo Is a Model Prison (Really): Admiral Mark Buzby refutes myths about Gitmo in this WSJ op-ed.

Rezko: "A prominent political fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been found guilty of fraud and money laundering," reports Mike Robinson for AP.

Civics online: Retired US Supreme Court Justice "Sandra Day O'Connor is developing a free interactive Web program for middle schoolers on the U.S. court system," reports Associated Press.

Military Commissions to try terrorists were defended by AG Mukasey at a federal judges conference. Matt Apuzzo has this story for AP.

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