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Legalization, Take II


One of the myths of pot legalization (first for so-called medical purposes, then for any purpose) is that life gets better after it's done.

Well, not exactly.  Thus today's story from the Associated Press:

HELENA, Mont. (AP) -- Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer says legalization of medical marijuana has not worked out as voters planned, and agrees the state needs a legislative fix.

Schweitzer says he is watching proposals as they come forward and expects lawmakers, convening in January, will have a lot of options. The governor says one of his agencies may pitch its own plan.

Schweitzer says one part of the solution could be to require genetic branding of medical marijuana, which would allow police to trace illegal pot to see if it originated from a caregiver selling medical marijuana.

The medical marijuana law has become one of the hottest topics facing lawmakers as the state deals with an explosion in the number of patients, caregivers and growers.

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