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Scalia at the Fed Soc

Mark Sherman has this report for AP on Justice Scalia's remarks at the Federalist Society convention:

Justice Antonin Scalia seems solidly old-fashioned. He's devoted to the Constitution's original meaning, prefers the Roman Catholic Mass in Latin and opposes TV cameras in the Supreme Court.

But the 74-year-old Scalia wants it known that he owns an iPod and an iPad and does so much work on his computer that he "can hardly write in longhand anymore."

Scalia revealed his embrace of modern technology at a Thursday dinner of the conservative Federalist Society, which he helped launch nearly 30 years ago to combat perceived liberal bias on the nation's law school faculties.

Perceived?  In other news, the sun was perceived to rise in the east a little before seven this morning.

On cameras, my preferred solution is to simply do with video what the Court presently does with audio.  Record the argument itself and embargo the recording until several days after the argument.

The main problem with live broadcast, IMHO, is that a few grandstanding lawyers will go out of their way to say something provocative in order to get their video clip on the evening news.  Embargo of a few days will greatly reduce, though not completely eliminate, that problem.  There's always YouTube.

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