Never one to abjure taxpayer financed grandstanding, Gov. Lincoln Chafee apparently plans to seek Supreme Court review of the First Circuit's en banc decision that Rhode Island must hand over to federal authorities Jason Pleau, the fellow accused of gunning down a gas station manager in 2010. Chafee had previously refused to do so on the theory, I guess, that Rhode Island's "states rights" ought to be used to make the state over into a sanctuary for murder. (The federal prosecutor may seek the death penalty, which is not available in Rhode Island).
What an odd position for a state that fought for the Union in the Civil War.
Hat tip to Adamakis.
Not everyone is happy. The victim's sister makes the following plea:
Dear Governor Chafee,
My brother was murdered by Jason Pleau.
Our family is hoping for justice for David. It is time for you to stop wasting taxpayers money on this attempt to protect a murderer from being properly prosecuted by the federal system.
It has not been decided whether he will or will not receive the death penalty.
You are obstructing justice.
If your son Caleb was shot in the head, in broad daylight while doing his job you would be horrified, as we were!
We were relieved when all of these thugs were caught. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that the Governor of our state, would get on his own bandwagon to protect a career criminal! You have made a terrible situation much worse for our family! We should have never had to go through all this! He would have been arraigned a long time ago, if it wasn't for your agenda.
Please stop this now! Enough is enough.
Deborah Smith
Hat tip to Adamakis.
Dear Mrs. Smith:
I am very sorry for your loss and am not, at all, surprised by Gov. Chafee's actions, which are irresponsible, hurtful and expensive.
Gov. Chafee's agenda does not include any compassion for your family.
It is a very common anti death penalty plan, used in many cases. The agenda is to cause as much delay as possible, at the greatest cost to the taxpayers, no matter what.
Chafee knows he will lose the lawsuit. The law makes that 100% assurred and he knows it.
So, it is all about cost and delay, with no prospect of Cafee's ultimate success in his personal crusade.
He is happy to waste taxpayers time and money, both state and federal, just to make his personal anti death penalty statement.
He will bask in the glow of the anti death penalty movements (and murderers) cheering.
You and your family, for him, are a forgotten aspect, no matter what he says - because his actions speak volumes.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. Folks in your sad and similar position have to deal with these type of tactics in many death penalty cases throughout the country.
Blessing to you and yours, inclusive of a quick resolution to this, additional, sadistic nightmare.