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News Scan

Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect Found Competent for Trial: Ariel Castro, the man charged with kidnapping three women and holding them captive for almost 10 years, has been found to be mentally competent to stand trial.  The Associated Press reports that prosecutors have planned a meeting for next week to discuss the possibility of seeking the death penalty.  Castro has pleaded not guilty to more than 320 charges and is set to go on trial August 5.

Man Commits Suicide in Courtroom After Guilty Verdict: A man took his own life in a Missouri courtroom after the jury found him guilty on sexual assault charges against a 14-year-old girl.  Macradee Aegerter of Fox KC News reports that Steve Parsons was facing a maximum sentence of 7 years in prison, but took his own life by ingesting a deadly amount of cyanide before the judge could sentence him.  Parsons had 100 grams of cyanide shipped overnight to his house last week prior to the trial.

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