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In our increasingly uncivil times, we have an example of how people can disagree, sometimes passionately, and still be friends.  Adam Liptak has this story in the NYT on the memorial service for Justice Scalia, and at the top is a touching video of Justice Ginsburg's tribute.

Justice Thomas also has a nugget for us:

But once, Justice Scalia was harshly critical of an important precedent. "'Just a horrible opinion,' he said. 'One of the worst,'" Justice Thomas related. It fell to Justice Thomas to break the bad news: "Nino, you wrote it."

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Civility is a nice thing, but I don't necessarily ascribe to the good faith of those on the other side. Heartless, lawless and unexplained stays of execution, taking away our democracy and freedoms is something that Justice Ginsburg has done or would have done (Citizens United).

It would be difficult for me to be civil with someone like that.

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