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Prop 47 is "broken at every level"

The City Attorney for Los Angeles is Mike Feuer.  The office he holds is non-partisan, but Feuer himself is an active, liberal Democrat, and a leader, with Cyrus Vance of Manhattan, of a group of prosecutors opposing what they call "gun violence."

The LA Downtown News reports on what Mr. Feuer has to say about Prop 47 eighteen months after it became effective:

When California voters approved Proposition 47 in November 2014, it marked a new era of crime and punishment in the state.

It also led to a system that, so far, has utterly failed, City Attorney Mike Feuer told a Downtown Los Angeles audience yesterday.

In the effort to reduce the state prison population, Prop. 47 downgraded a half dozen non-violent felonies, such as certain kinds of drug possession and petty theft, to misdemeanors, meaning offenders receive shorter sentences.


"Almost no one has gotten anything close to meaningful drug rehabilitation, and we've prosecuted thousands of these cases," Feuer said Monday at a luncheon at the Downtown Palm hosted by the Los Angeles Current Affairs Forum. "The system is broken at every level."

The academics who pushed Prop 47 with a boatload of deceit about what it would do are still in denial, making it all the more refreshing to hear one official, and a quite liberal one, tell the truth.


Yeah, but the usual cast of characters will chime in with the same defense used for communism, "It just wasn't done right."

...which will be wonderfully ironic, given that they had 100% of the opportunity in Prop 47 itself to define how it would be done.

1. Before one tears down a wall, should he not first ask why it was put up?

2. After a tinkerer's experiment fails and takes human lives, is there no
shame, mea culpa, or indictment of his own philosophy?


This may represent the cultural salvation of one British progressive:

“20 years ago… I published the report titled Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, we thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was discrimination against Muslims. Our 1996 survey ... got almost everything else wrong.”

“Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained
that most Muslims are just like everyone else
But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.”
. . .
-- -- “We estimated that the Muslim population of the UK would be approaching
2 [million] by 2020. We underestimated by nearly 1 million.

-- -- We [wrongly] predicted that the most lethal threat to Muslims would come
from racial attacks and social exclusion.
-- -- ... And of course we didn’t dream of 9/11 and the atrocities in Madrid,
Paris, Istanbul, Brussels and London.”

“For a long time, I too thought that Europe’s Muslims would become like previous waves of migrants ... gradually blending into Britain’s diverse identity landscape.
I should have known better.”

“Oddly, the biggest obstacles ... are ... [that] ... Many of our (distinctly un-diverse) elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth.

* * Any undesirable behaviours are attributed to poverty and alienation.
* * Backing for violent extremism 'must be the fault of the Americans.'
* * Oppression of women is a cultural trait that will fade with time, nothing to do
with the 'true face of Islam.'”
“Even when confronted with the growing pile of evidence to the contrary,
and the angst of the liberal minority of British Muslims, clever, important
people still cling to the[ir] patronising certainty ..."
. . .
“It’s not as though we couldn’t have seen this coming."
{Trevor Phillips, OBE} http://www.thetimes.co.uk/magazine/the-sunday-times-magazine/what-do-british-muslims-really-think-j72t7fppc

This may represent the cultural salvation of one British progressive:

“20 years ago… I published the report titled Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, we thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was discrimination against Muslims. Our 1996 survey ... got almost everything else wrong.”

“Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained
that most Muslims are just like everyone else
But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.”
. . .
-- -- “We estimated that the Muslim population of the UK would be approaching
2 [million] by 2020. We underestimated by nearly 1 million.

-- -- We [wrongly] predicted that the most lethal threat to Muslims would come
from racial attacks and social exclusion.
-- -- ... And of course we didn’t dream of 9/11 and the atrocities in Madrid,
Paris, Istanbul, Brussels and London.”

“For a long time, I too thought that Europe’s Muslims would become like previous waves of migrants ... gradually blending into Britain’s diverse identity landscape.
I should have known better.”

“Oddly, the biggest obstacles ... are ... [that] ... Many of our (distinctly un-diverse) elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth.

* * Any undesirable behaviours are attributed to poverty and alienation.
* * Backing for violent extremism 'must be the fault of the Americans.'
* * Oppression of women is a cultural trait that will fade with time, nothing to do
with the 'true face of Islam.'”
“Even when confronted with the growing pile of evidence to the contrary,
and the angst of the liberal minority of British Muslims, clever, important
people still cling to the[ir] patronising certainty ..."
. . .
“It’s not as though we couldn’t have seen this coming."
{Trevor Phillips, OBE} http://www.thetimes.co.uk/magazine/the-sunday-times-magazine/what-do-british-muslims-really-think-j72t7fppc

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