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Today's Federalist Society Death Penalty Teleforum

I will have the privilege today of talking with Prof. Carol Steiker of Harvard Law School, a leading scholar and abolitionist, about the implications of last November's election for the future of the death penalty.  The topic is described by the Federalist Society as follows:

In recent decades, there has been much study and debate in the criminal justice community regarding capital punishment and its continued use in most jurisdictions in the United States. Some argue that years of litigation and growing cost have contributed to a new fragility in support for the death penalty and point to polling that reflects decreased enthusiasm for it.  Others assert the November 2016 election results at the state and federal levels demonstrate capital punishment continues to be firmly backed by the public and will remain in place indefinitely. 

The program starts at 2 pm EST.  The call-in number is 888-752-3232.

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