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Construction Ahead


This blog will be off line Monday morning as our host does a hardware upgrade.

We will be doing some upgrades ourselves in the near future. The new version of the Movable Type software that powers this blog is presently in "gamma testing."* When we consider it sufficiently stable, we will upgrade the software. We will also move the blog to a separate host, rather than running it in a subdirectory of our main site as we are at present. Hopefully, this will fix the glitch that has caused some difficulty in the commenter authentication function.

Suggestions regarding the blog are welcome. You can post them as comments here or email us through the CJLF contact page.


* In the software industry, "alpha testing" is testing within the company. "Beta testing" is sending out free copies to computer-savvy users who understand it is still buggy and give informed consent to be guinea pigs. "Gamma testing" is our semi-snarky term for the common practice of selling still-buggy software to paying customers, some of whom mistakenly believe they are getting a thoroughly checked-out product. Experienced users who value reliability over having the latest whiz-bang features learned long ago the maxim "never buy version x.0 of anything." Wait for version x.01 or service pack 1 or whatever they choose to call it.

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