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News Scan


New Poll Shows European Support for Death Penalty Despite EU Ban: Despite the fact that the European Union requires entrants to ban the death penalty, a recent poll taken in the Czech Republic shows that Czech support for the ultimate punishment is not only high, it's growing, according to Angus Reid's article for the Global Monitor.

Numerous Benefits in Using DNA to Solve Property Crimes
: Gautam Naik details the many benefits of applying DNA analysis in the investigation of property crimes in this Wall Street Journal article. Compared to traditional investigation methods, DNA analysis yielded suspects, arrests, and prosecutions in significantly more cases. While use of DNA in more cases contributes to the already extensive backlog at DNA labs, more arrests and successful prosecution reduces the number of victims as well as the likelihood that these criminals will become violent offenders.

Miyazaki Execution Draws Attention to Japanese Execution Procedures
: The Tanaka and Kinoshita article in the Yomiuri Shimbun analyzes the decision by the Japanese Justice Ministry to execute convicted serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki on June 18, particularly emphasizing the role international politics can play in choosing execution dates.

Brady Center Cites New Study on Stolen Firearms that nobody gets to read: According to the article in the New York Times by Austin Bogue, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has conducted a study indicating that thousands of firearms going missing from licensed gun dealers. The Brady Center argues that many of those guns are sold off-the-record to criminals and arms traffickers and recommends tighter regulation. However, they have not published the study on their website, and upon inquiry, a spokesperson said that the study most likely would not be on their website in the future either. It seems unusual that they wouldn't want the public to have access to such important research, if indeed that is the case.

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