According to this AP story, "The White House says President Barack Obama's biggest concern about the
Guantanamo Bay prison is that terrorism suspects have been held there
for years without a trial."
I sincerely hope that is a misstatement by a member of the press office and not a genuine reflection of our chief executive's priorities. While the duration of detention without trial and the possibility that there may be an innocent person detained are legitimate concerns, President Obama's biggest concern in this regard should be protecting the United States from another terrorist attack, duplicating President Bush's success.
I sincerely hope that is a misstatement by a member of the press office and not a genuine reflection of our chief executive's priorities. While the duration of detention without trial and the possibility that there may be an innocent person detained are legitimate concerns, President Obama's biggest concern in this regard should be protecting the United States from another terrorist attack, duplicating President Bush's success.
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