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News Scan

Obama administration maintains Bush's position with Boeing suit: AP  reports that Obama's "administration lawyer is urging a federal appeals court panel to throw out a lawsuit accusing Boeing Co. subsidiary of illegally helping the CIA secretly fly terrorism suspects overseas to be tortured." The American Civil Liberties Union had hoped for a change in position when Obama took office, but that did not happen.

Obama's liberal Supreme Court: Ronald Kessler, of Newsmax.com, writes "with hearings coming up this week on President Barack Obama's top Justice Department appointees, his possible Supreme Court nominees are coming into view." Amongst the names are Stanford University Law professor and former dean, Kathleen M. Sullivan and Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh. Ken Klukowski, a legal expert who consults for major conservative interest groups noted, "the nominees are extremely intelligent, well-educated, experienced, and they're masters of their craft." Klukowski's concern is if they "will set aside their personal beliefs and confine themselves to the law as written."

Victims of identity theft strike back: According to an article by Candice Choi in Newsweek, while the "number of Americans ensnared by identity theft is on the rise, victims are striking back more quickly and limiting how much is stolen." Javelin Strategy & Research reports that the number of identity theft cases jumped 22 percent but unrecovered losses and legal fees fell 31 percent. Nevertheless, consumers are still warned to take steps to prevent themselves from being a victim. "Leaving personal checks and social security cards at home and being aware of who's around when giving out personal information in public" are among the suggestions.

Death penalty alternative for Georgia?: In an article by Bill Rankin of ajc.com, "Under Georgia law, the only way to lock up a murderer for good is for the DA to seek death, or to get a murder conviction against a defendant who had a prior violent felony conviction." Senate Bill 13, as proposed would limit the "charade of seeking the death penalty to get life with parole when we think life without parole is the appropriate sentence," said Gwinnett County DA, Danny Porter. With more than 65 death penalty cases pending in Georgia, the bill is currently the DA's top legislative priority.

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