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LWOP Under 18

Criminal defense attorney Daniel Horowitz has this web site opposing California SB399, the attempt to undo life-without-parole sentences for murderers who are already ineligible for the death penalty (in some cases, just barely) because of their age. His intro on the sidebar explains why he is opposed:

On October 15, 2005, my wife Pamela was murdered by a young man who was just shy of 17 years of age.

He was a serial killer by his own design.  Pamela's courageous fight for her life marked this killer and created the forensic evidence that led to his conviction.  Had she not fought so bravely, he would have escaped and he would have killed again, and again.

SB 399 is a bill that will change California's criminal sentencing system and it will give a chance at parole for all people who killed if they did this before they were 18 years of age.

*                       *                       *

I reviewed the Human Rights Watch document.  It is filled with errors of law and stories of juveniles wrongfully convicted which read to me like fiction.

I put together a criticism of SB 399 and the Human Rights Watch publicity campaign.

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